August 2009 As you begin the journey of Nathan's past year please start at the beginning of his blog. Post is September 4, 2009. Titled "Hi Miss Donna."
These next videos are examples of Nathan's typical behavior. I am seeing his abilities diminish at a rapid rate. Nathan is getting wonderful intervention and participates with his teachers and therapists. He has rarely been out of intense therapy for more than 2 weeks at a time since he was 14 months. His current program, as well as the program before, are intense and of high quality. Nathan has increasing difficulty in producing words. His language has fallen to just a few words. He is constantly making noises and struggles to form words he has known in the past. He is now almost completely unable to repeat words back and rarely can answer a yes/no question.
2:00 am Wonders around at night. Opens and closes doors. Sometimes turns lights on. Struggles to fall asleep. If he takes melatonin he wakes up at 4:00 am. We have been working with him for over a year. Before then he had a regular bedtime and even put himself to bed if he was tired.
To our wonderful doctors, teachers and therapists who are helping us find answers. This blog was started as a class project for Nathan to help increase communication with his teacher about his life. The entries quickly ended as Nathan seemed to change in the course of a week.
The following are things that we noticed beginning the end of November 2009. Many things came suddenly.
Loss of handwriting (left hand) Inability to take spelling tests. First written and then soon unable to take with letter tiles. Continual sucking on nonfood items. Even the shopping cart as he walked next to it. Uncontrollable laughing. Often accompanied with silent tears. Inability to fall asleep, after years of an 8:30 bedtime. Talking out of side of mouth. (has had tendency in the past, but more extreme) Loss of language. (Recently increasingly difficult to answer yes no questions, even with prompting.) Inability to repeat spoken words. Currently he makes continual noise and has trouble forming the few words he has left.
I am sure I am forgetting some...
The following videos should be viewed in chronological order so the regression can be seen. Thank you.